2:a SNIR-konferensen 6-7 mars 2025: Fostering a sustainable future for small islands


2:a SNIR-konferensen 6-7 mars 2025: Fostering a sustainable future for small islands

Datum:6 March 2025Tid:00:00-00:00Plats:Södertörn högskola

Södertörn University and The National Swedish Network for Island Research (SNIR), kindly invites scholars from all disciplines to make their contribution to the second Swedish Island Study Conference. The primary objective of the conference is to facilitate the gathering of scholars, island experts, island communities, island entrepreneurs and islanders to deliberate on the latest research findings and novel ideas in the realm of island research. The conference will foster collaboration between academia and society by providing a platform to explore and shape new research initiatives that hold significant relevance for island communities. The conference is organized by Södertörn University in collaboration with The Swedish Archipelago Association, SRF (Skärgårdarnas Riksförbund).

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